January 1965

Desie Roberts

“Photographers never grow old, they just lose their focus.” This is the plaque that greets you on entering Roberts Photo Studio. Has Desie lost his focus? On the contrary! Desie Roberts is even more focused than ever! He is on an upward trend. For over 40 years, Desie Roberts has been doing business and has become a household name in Mattapan and surrounding communities. It all began the summer of 1973 when he opened his first photo studio on River Street in Mattapan. Throughout the years, Desie has endeared himself to the community of mostly immigrants from the Caribbean Islands of which Desie is a native son of Antigua. 

Today, Roberts Studio can be found nestled between a tax office and a barber shop at the corner of Morton and Norfolk Streets, a very busy and vibrant intersection. “Hallo! Mr. Roberts! Haven’t seen you in years!” gushed a formally dressed middle aged lady with a distinct Haitian accent as she briskly entered the studio followed by two smartly dressed boys wearing matching outfits. Desie gives her a warm hug punctuated by a bright smile as he inquires after an old client, simultaneously directing the twin boys to the two leather arm chairs in front of his desk.  As she browsed the photo gallery, Desie asks what brought her in…“I want some nice! Nice! family portraits, I just bought this new dress.” she responds, twirling as she spoke.

Desie  begins setting up as a young woman of Italian descent walks in from the tax office, heads straight to the fax machine, transmits some papers and says, “I’ll pay later” as she strolls out, Desie nods a response and continues setting up.

A few moments later, a young African American male from the nearby barber shop, grabs a cold drink from the small refrigerator near the door, hands Desie a dollar, exchange pleasantries and leaves. “You never bring me money! Always junk mail!”  Desie jokingly chides the Latino mail carrier as she hands him a stack of letters. She laughs heartily and tells him next time...

This is typical of the warmth and camaraderie displayed between Desie Roberts and  community residents.  Roberts Photo Studio is more than just a studio, it’s a place where old friends meet, new friendships are formed, family stories are exchanged, advice is given and lots of goodwill all around.

Keeping pace with the changing needs of his clients and advances in technology, Roberts Studio has evolved, weathering the test of time.  Many photographers have fallen along the way and became victims to new technologies but Roberts studio not only survived, it expanded. In addition to the usual photo and fax services, Roberts Studio now boasts an enviable gallery. Displayed are rare photographs of the “Who is Who” in the Boston community, past Presidents and other celebrities, all  personally taken by Desie throughout his illustrious career spanning over five decades.  Needless to say, Desie has a story about each of the persons and events he has photographed.  

Desie has been privileged to photograph, Presidents and their families; the Kennedys, Clintons and most recently the Obamas.  He has met and photographed Boston Mayors from as early as Raymond Flynn to our current Mayor, Martin Walsh. He has photographed Douglas Wilder, (first Black Governor of Virginia), and Andrew Young,( first Black Mayor of Atlanta). Roberts Studio is where you can find rare early photographs of Celtics legends, Larry Bird and Robert Parrish, sports icons the likes of Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler, not to mention the wide genre of musicians; Reggae Icon, Bob Marley, Harry Belafonte, Gladys Knight, Stephanie Mills, Teddy Pendergrass and Buju Banton just to name a few.

Recently, some of Desie’s greatest works were featured in a month long showcase at the Afro Caribbean Gallery on Washington Street,  Dorchester. Desie has certainly made his mark on the community, and it has not gone unnoticed as the many citations he has received over the years attest. Citations from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, House of Representatives, State and City Council, all for his distinguished service to the community. In an interview with his Administrative Assistant of over twenty years, Joyce Ann Holt says;  “As a boss, Desie is open to suggestions, easy to work with and is very laid back”.  These are the sentiments expressed by all who come in contact with the man.

When asked what he would like to be remembered for, Desie Roberts of Roberts Photo Studio without hesitation responded, “At the end of the day, when it is all said and done, all I want to do  is walk away with my integrity and my reputation.”